Registration form

Name and surname:


ID/Passport number:




E-Mail (of all members):

Type of instrumental group:

Pieces to be performed:

The following requirements are needed to enroll in the Competition:

  1. Payment of 90 Euros for each group in the account number:
    Caja Rural Granada
    IBAN: ES8130230163446564567607
  2. Attaching the deposit slip. (This amount of money won’t be given back).
  3. A photocopy of the ID or passport of every member within the group.
  4. Programme of the pieces to be performed in both stages (Qualifying competition and Final competition).
  5. Brief CV of the group in Word format. (Maximun 250 words)

    All these documents related to the registration must be sent, before May 15th, 2025 to the following e-mail address: