Awarded groups of the Antón García Abril Chamber Music Competition 10th Edition

The Jury of our 10th Edición decides to award the following prices:

Finalist Diploma:
“DÚO ZIRIAB” fluye and guitar (Strasbourg, FRANCE).

Finalist Diploma:

Special Prize to the best performance of the best prformance of Anton García Abril Works:
“DÚO LILIUM” singing and piano (Madrid, ESPAÑA), for the best interpretación of “Tres canciones de Antón García Abril”.

Special Prize to the best performance of a Spanish Work:
LIVE QUARTET (Frankfurt, Germany).

3º Prize “Ex aequo”:
“TRÍO JAKOB” violin, cello and piano (Ámsterdam. PAÍSES BAJOS).
“SAUTI DUO” percussion duo (SPAIN, POLAND).

2º Premio Ex aequo:
“SYNTHESE QUARTET” clarinetes cuarteto (Salamanca, ESPAÑA)
“KAMBRASS QUINTET” clarinet (Lucerne, SWISS)

1º Prize, unanimously: “SIRIUS ACCORDION TRÍO” accordion trio (Bari, ITALY)
Our most sincere congratulations to all the award groups.